About Us
Press Play Productions is a production house that gives a voice to the unheard and underrepresented.
While diverse stories and content are slowly increasing in Hollywood, there is still a substantial gap in the market for true diversity; diversity that matters and isn't just sprinkled into content as an afterthought.
The majority of the world and all of its different cultures, stories, artists, histories and traditions are glaringly underserved in the North American marketplace. As Hollywood streaming giants become more international, the opportunity to tell these stories to our ever-connected world is growing.
Press Play takes pride in telling those stories that have never been told before; in giving opportunities to talented artists who are underserved; in sharing the rich histories of different cultures throughout the world; in paving the way for diversity-driven storytelling.
Whether it's the story itself or the artists telling these stories, everything at Press Play Productions is produced with diversity in mind. It's time to share stories from all around our great planet with audiences from all over the world. It's time to stand up for those who have been pushed to the side because they are 'different'. It's time the world heard those voices that have been forgotten.
Go ahead. Press Play.